If you are anything like us you are right into the dried floral trend. If you are also anything like us you do not live near where these are easily found and you do not want to pay a florist for something that is basically dead.... That's where DIY comes in! Taylor made some faux palm fronds out of paper and they turned out super cute and are a great addition to a vase and look awesome mixed in with other dried grasses or flowers.
There is a few different methods floating around out there but here's what we did:
1. Cut your paper to the approximate size that you want your final piece to be. Then fold this in half and crease the fold.
2. You can now cut your folder piece into a half heart so that when you open it up it looks like a heart.
3. Then beginning in the centre fold you want to accordion fold all the way to the edge, keeping each fold as even as possible.
4. To make the steam of the frond I used a stick but a dowel or skewer would work well if you want a straight steam. I broke my stick to the desired length.
5. I decided to hot glue some twin and thread around the stick to give it a more boho look and be more matchy with the colour of the paper.
6. Put some hot glue in the centre crease and place the stick/dowel on top.
7. A strip of paper wrapped around the base of the frond gives a nice polished look but is completely optional.
You can find a video tutorial and a more in-depth explanation over on Instagram @homemade_home94.
We hope you guys enjoy and maybe give this a go for yourselves.
Love TM xx